董福龍 男 1991年生,理學博士。2023年入職BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站,講師/校聘副教授,碩士生導師,辦公地點:BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站北院科研樓331。目前緻力于強激光場(其中CPA技術獲2018年諾獎)與原子、分子、固體、二維晶體相互作用高次諧波輻射(2023年諾獎)及阿秒瞬态吸收譜方向的理論研究。截止目前,以第一或通訊作者身份在Optics Express 上發表論文1篇,在Physical Review A 上發表論文5篇。多次擔任Physical Review A,Physical Review B雜志審稿人。
1. 強激光場與原子、分子、固體、二維晶體相互作用過程中的高次諧波輻射。
2. 利用阿秒瞬态吸收譜探測激光與原子、分子、晶體作用過程中電子的超快動力學。
1. Fulong Dong*, Jiayu Yan, and Xinru Song, Tunneling displacement of electron-hole pairs in high-order harmonic generation for monolayer hexagonal boron nitride, Phys. Rev. A 110, 043104 (2024).
2. 董福龍, 闫嘉宇, 劉傑*, 石墨烯高次諧波中焦散效應的取向依賴(特邀), 中國科學:物理學 力學 天文學 2024.
3. 董福龍, 宋心茹, 劉傑*, 石墨烯阿秒瞬态吸收譜中魚骨結構零級條紋劈裂的偏移時間(特邀), 光學學報2024.
4. 嶽影, 董福龍, 葉地發*, 劉傑*, 阿秒瞬态吸收光譜中的延遲零點标定(特邀), 光子學報2024.
5. Fulong Dong, Qinzhi Xia, and Jie Liu*, Caustic effects on high-order harmonic generation in graphene, Phys. Rev. A 109, L041102 (2024).
6. Fulong Dong and Jie Liu*, Fishbone resonance structure in the attosecond transient absorption spectrum of graphene, Phys. Rev. A 106, 063107 (2022).
7. Fulong Dong and Jie Liu*, Knee structure in the laser-intensity dependence of harmonic generation for graphene, Phys. Rev. A 106, 043103 (2022).
8. Fulong Dong, Qinzhi Xia, and Jie Liu*, Ellipticity of the harmonic emission from graphene irradiated by a linearly polarized laser, Phys. Rev. A 104, 033119 (2021).
9. Yingzhe Shi, Shang Wang, Fulong Dong, Yanpeng Li, and Yanjun Chen, Classical effect for enhanced high harmonic yield in ultrashort laser pulses with a moderate laser intensity, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50, 065004 (2017).
10. 田轶群,董福龍,李衛豔,楊世平,陳彥軍,分子與共振相關的阈下諧波的取向效應,光子學報,2017.
11. Weiyan Li, Fulong Dong, Shujuan Yu, Shang Wang, Shiping Yang, and Yanjun Chen*, Ellipticity of near-threshold harmonics from stretched molecules, Opt. Express 23, 031010 (2015).
12. Fulong Dong, Yiqun Tian, Shujuan Yu, Shang Wang, Shiping Yang, and Yanjun Chen*, Polarization properties of below-threshold harmonics from aligned molecules in linearly polarized laser fields, Opt. Express 23, 18106 (2015).